January 11.

St.Tomas University Hospital.

Visiting St. Francis School in Manila. 
Manila Hearing Aid Center.
Megamall SM brunch.
    January 12.
This school has 107 students and it is developing as the only private school which has a Auditory oral method in Manila. 
Canteen(A school store)
They sell snacks and lunches. The cost is very cheap.
Notice board. A pubric relationship magazin "Pamilya" of foster parents is also putting up on the board.
Hearing Test Room. Last time he came here, he adviced them to set a curtain on the wall gor getting more soundproofing effect.
This room also uses as a individual lesson room, so it's very good for kids who cannot concentrate on anything..
Every morning they have a morning meeting.
They sing a song or move their body with music.
The class for P.I.P room of new-born babies.(Ms.Michelle, teacher)
The class is very interesting. They use balls
The Native class for first and second grades.
(Mr. Jean :teacher)
They do integration education. 4 kids are nomal, 7 kids are difficulity in hearing, 5kids are autistic children.
Talking with Ms. Rebbeca Santos(Director)
○About a lecturer in Cebu seminer in 2010.
○About moving and a building plan of a school.
○About the branch school which will establish in Laguna.
Talking with Dr.Martinez.
○For starting new-born babies hearing screening test in Iloilo city.
○About the number of a hospital that can operate for Cochlear implant.
○About a lecturer(ENT Dr,) in Cebu seminer.
Third and Forth grades.
(Science Mr. Dino, teacher)
He was teaching them about the germination of a seed . He came up with various ideas to the taching materials easy to understand.
Foster children
 Kent           Micaela             Kingsley             Camilo
Visiting Manila Hearing Aid Center in Manila city.
He made arrangement that estimated value of Affinity(Hearing aid analyzar) which will be installed in St. Martine De Porres Special School, how to deliver, and the traning of studying how to use it.
The right side, she is Ms.Rebbeca Snatos(Directorl)in St Francis School in Manila. The left side, she is Ms.Michelle(Teacher) in the school.
Affinity is a Hearing aid anlyzar corresponded with degital haring Aids. The teachers in Manila will study how to handle it.
What a beautiful wall painting it is! ( It's in the school.)
These are 4 children. 2 of them use the Cochlear implant, the others use hearing aids.
Elementary school inPhillipines can devide 2 parts. The morning part, the class starts at 6:45 am and at the kids eat half of their lunch in a snack time(10:30 am) for trying to save off their hunger.
Before entering a school(Nursery class、Ms. Rose,: teacher)
She was teaching the kids animals's name by using cards.
Afternoon studying for the parents.
"The need of speaking to the children".
20 parents took part in the studying.
Studying for teachers.
"The important things of Auditory Orall method"
He exchanged views with around 25 teachers
Michelle who will come to Japan as a trainee of inviting study in next coming April was studying hard.
These are young teachers in Gualandie
Specaial School .They took part in the studying
and the sisters of Mission for the Deaf..
Some teachers have kept working more than 10 years in St. Francis School.The secret of keep wolking for long time is to have good relationship with co-workers.

After finishing the studying, the teachers showed him a dance. It was "Oshiri kajiri mushi" that the stuffs who are in JEFP in last Iloilo seminer. howed them. It completely became their repertoire for them in Manila.

     January 13.
Visiting JICA Phillipines office.
He reported a project's result for this time wacthing the slides to Mr. Yamamoto Masashi(Assistant Resiendt Representative), Ms.Romero(Local Coordinator) and Ms. Masuda(OJT).

The office is in the forty floor in super skyscraper in Makati City.

He visited Dr.Martinez, ENT Dr.(The left) He is an audiologist who graduated a lecture.(The right)

She is Ms. Tea Valido who is an audiologist. she was introduced us as a lecturer inCebu seminer in 2010.
About “The importance of appropriate amplification for Hearing Impaired children.”
Last night for his visiting, the teachers in St. Francis School had a farewell party for him. It was very cool outside in Phillipines in this year, so many teachers were wearing a shirt with long sleeves.
(At restaurant. Gerry grill)